MAN Truck&Bus

Integrated communication across all channels

consense is now responsible for several different communication projects for MAN Truck & Bus: the international employee magazine published in ten countries, the management of social media channels and, last but not least, the global MAN intranet. Our cross-channel communication ensures that the Group can make optimum use of synergies and inform its employees in a synchronized and target group-oriented manner.

This is an important aspect, because employees who know about internal topics and changes within the company are the best brand ambassadors. Speaking of change processes: The successful implementation of change projects is also part of our services for MAN. The portfolio is rounded off by effective communication measures in the area of employer branding.


  • Corporate Publishing
  • Internationales Mitarbeitermagazin in neun Sprachen
  • Redaktionelle Betreuung des Intranets
  • Kanalübergreifende Content-Entwicklung
  • Change Kommunikation
  • HR Kommunikation und Employer Branding
  • Social Media und Ad Management
  • Bewegtbild

MAN Truck & Bus Deutschland GmbH, headquartered in Munich, offers one of the most comprehensive and innovative product and service portfolios in the commercial vehicle industry and has production facilities in three European countries as well as in Russia, South Africa, India and Turkey.

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