Search-engine optimisation and advice / Munich

For many firms, terms such as SEO search-engine optimisation remain specialistsꞌ gobbledegook from the IT world. This is a negligent way of viewing this subject in the digital age. Those who want to continue to perform successfully in the market must not only understand what online is – they must operate online.

The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google search results.
Dharmesh Shah
Claudia Thaler
Tel.:+49 89 23002611

Our SEO services

We provide support to you on all topics that are important in setting up a successful internet presence and getting a strong ranking in the search results of Google et al.

  • Digital strategy: conceptual work and implementation
  • SEO OnPage optimisation
  • SEO OffPage optimisation
  • SEO texts and content marketing
  • SEO training activities / seminars
  • SEA (Google AdWords & Facebook Ads)
  • Monitoring & reporting
  • Optimising the conversion and also advice on usability

Stay efficient. Focus on your core competences and leave the rest to SEO specialists.

Because we are not a pure SEO agency, we not only take into account the search-engine results. Our advisers in Munich attach particular importance to applying a holistic approach in considering the measures that you take. We not only take care of the suitable keywords and rankings but also harmonise your digital strategy with the direction that your analogue message to the market takes.

Successful search-engine optimisation

Naturally, like any other company, you too want your company to be found by customers and potential customers searching in Google et al. But how do you succeed in making your internet presence visible in the worldwide web? What do you need to do for your firm to be right there, among the front runners in search-engine rankings? We have the answers to these questions!

Ideally we accompany you right from the initial phase, as you build up your digital strategy and design your corporate website. Jointly with you, we establish meaningful and attainable SEO goals and the SEO process, ensuring that your online presence can hold its own amid tough competition in the internet arena.

For already-existing websites, we start with a status analysis of the site, examining the relevance of the keywords used. It is little help to you if the buzzwords used sound wonderful but the competition for those terms is too great or – worse still – nobody is even searching under those words. Based on the results of the analysis, we produce detailed proposals for action, which you can put into effect on your own or together with us.

So what is SEO, in fact?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is many things – but it is certainly more than pure key-word research. SEO is the art and science of structuring a website in such a way that it not only attracts a lasting flow of high-quality traffic; it also ensures that the bounce rate is low and that visitors stay on the site for a long time. To achieve this, an important role is played by content (exciting and informative material), usability, technology (e.g. speed of call-up of pages), OnPage factors (e.g. page titles, meta-description, headings, etc.), as well as the correct structure of information. Alongside the on-page-optimisation, the second pillar that supports SEO is the off-page optimisation in the net. Expressed simply, off-page search-engine optimisation is about building up back-links.