
colourful – this is what does it for us

As already stated: colourful – this is what does it for us, what turns on our lights. The more background and characters drawn into the narrative, the more exciting the prospects become. The outcome: more exciting ideas, purposeful solutions, better results for you.


What you get from us is good advice – from personalities who command a wide range of knowledge, not only in the subject area of communication. You get it from people who think like engineers, act like heads of controlling, and understand their role as being that of relationship managers.

Portrait Analena Rischpler

Analena Rischpler

Making the switchover from journalism and into the agency, she brought her passion for language with her. In her mind she is a graduate in political science and communication science, in her heart a creative designer. She envelops complex topics in simple words; her clear words are woven together to shape convincing arguments. Mostly to be found outdoors savouring the joys of nature, preferably in company. Her most cherished gift is having the world explained to her through the eyes of her children.

Portrait Mara Pfaffl

Mara Pfaffl

Bäumchen wechsel dich: Mara ist sowohl Journalistin im Herzen als auch Kommunikationsstrategin aus Leidenschaft. Nach ihrem Bachelorstudium in Crossmedia-Redaktion und langjähriger Berufserfahrung in der tagesaktuellen Berichterstattung beim Südwestrundfunk hat sie die Seiten gewechselt und sich für die Unternehmenskommunikation begeistert. Mit ihrem Masterabschluss in Corporate Communication Management ist sie extern wie intern, operativ wie strategisch auf alle erdenklichen Kommunikationssituationen vorbereitet, liebäugelt aber besonders mit Change und Interner Kommunikation. Privat schätzt Mara vom Reclam-Buch über TED Talks bis hin zu Poetry Slams alles, was Ideen und Inspiration in Wortspiele verpackt.

Portrait Claudia Thaler

Claudia Thaler

Our customers know the head of our company. Just as she is familiar with the topics close to our customers‘ hearts. As you might expect from an owner-managed agency, for over 25 years now Claudia has put her great passion for her work into advising customers, also in terms of the day-to-day business.

Portrait Marina Fritz

Marina Fritz

Marina has always been fascinated by how communication affects people. That's why she studied communications and psychology in her hometown of Munich. Before joining consense, she worked in internal and external corporate communications for the DACH region at GSK Consumer Healthcare. She now brings her passion for the human factor in change processes to her consulting work with a focus on employer branding, HR communication and internal communication. In addition to dealing with complex client issues during work hours, she enjoys elaborate cake recipes, unusual sports, and historical novels in her spare time.

Portrait Katharina Müller

Katharina Müller

Sammelte - nach ersten Schritten im Journalismus - mehrere Jahre Konzern-Erfahrung in der Automobil- und Pharma-Branche. Bringt sich seit ihrem Wechsel in die Agenturwelt vielfältig in die Beratung von B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen ein. Sowohl konzeptionell und strategisch als auch operativ. Sowohl für große Tech-Konzerne als auch kleine Mittelständler. Neben den klassischen Media Relations ist die Interne Kommunikation ihr Herzensthema. Ihr fachlicher Schwerpunkt liegt auf Kampagnen, die die Firmenkultur erlebbar und Mitarbeiter:innen zu Botschafter:innen machen.

Portrait Phaedra Jeta

Phaedra Jeta

Nach sechs Jahren Aufenthalt in Brüssel glücklich wieder bei consense communications an Bord zu sein. Der gebürtigen Athenerin steckt Kommunikation im Blut: Nach ihrem Kommunikationsstudium an der Universität der Künste in Berlin war sie u.a. für die Pressearbeit eines traditionsreichen Münchner Theaters zuständig und hat mehr als zehn Jahre die PR eines amerikanischen Fernsehunternehmens verantwortet. Panta rhei ist zwar ihr Lebensmotto, aber ohne detaillierte Planung ist alles nichts, davon ist sie überzeugt. Mit einem Faible für Kunstausstellungen gilt ihre Liebe dem Kino und ihren beiden Töchtern.

Portrait Anja Kopf

Anja Kopf

Loves producing content for the eyes, ears and heart. Studied journalism in Passau and Hamburg, specializing in digital journalism. First got to know the agency world and worked for clients like MSN, Bunte and Stylight. As a health journalist at Wort & Bild Verlag, she not only learned about evidence-based work, but also designed and implemented newsletters, social media campaigns and podcasts. As Head of Content, she now ensures that communication strategies and content go hand in hand.

Portrait Stephanie Zilz

Stephanie Zilz

She grew up in the region around Munich and has now arrived in the metropolitan region, or rather the "northernmost city in Italy", where for Steffi outdoor sports, a love of good food and a tireless urge to discover special places are best combined.  
Steffi, who has a degree in communication science with a focus on sociology, is well prepared for communicative challenges and social phenomena of all kinds thanks to her editorial experience at Zündfunk Magazin of Bayern 2, Burda Media and ProSieben, among others. So she always has a counter on her lips when people claim that the people of Munich in particular are a very "special" lot.

Portrait Nina Angermann

Nina Angermann

A diploma-qualified cultural-studies graduate and systemic coach, an all-purpose weapon with an eager love of languages and a lot of passion for mobility-related topics. With her corporate experience, and having been a dancer to competition-standard, she moves with assurance and sure-footedness on any stage. Skilled at shining a light that cuts through any lack of clarity, she gets right down to the heart of the matter. Injects a sense of security into a situation – and is also an enthusiastic baker of cakes! Asks the right questions and is tenacious, bringing finely-tuned sensitivity to bear in judging a situation. Loves the sea, the mountains and her yoga-mat.

Portrait Sandra Tammery

Sandra Tammery

Design expert with a broad portfolio - from branding and print to web design and social media. Strong visual thinker and content contextualizer. After several years of working in retail, she was inspired by her passion for street art photography and her own photography in her spare time to study media design. Not only does she love typography and beautiful fonts, she also loves a good cappuccino. As a hobby barista, she has not only mastered the graphic arts, but also the latte art.

Portrait Alexandra Krohn

Alexandra Krohn

Went out into the world and came back with 2 degrees from 3 countries. As a communication scientist and learning psychologist, she knows how complex individuals and organizations are. That's why Alex doesn't offer one-size-fits-all solutions, but always starts with an open ear and an analytical view to find an individual solution. Whether B2B (automotive, security, SaaS, sustainability) or B2C - Alex has already advised many (international) companies and brings this valuable experience to the table. Her special interests include corporate comms, media & influencer relations and strategic consulting. In her spare time, she enjoys scribbling ideas in her notebook, watching nature grow and listening to French podcasts.

Portrait Edeltraud Rückl

Edeltraud Rückl

Giving her heart and soul to the agency for the tenth year now. Seeing to it that everyone gets a good reception, on the phone as well as face-to-face, she is our showpiece, a delight to the eye and a provider of shrewd advice. Able to come up with a surprise, time and time again – not least with her interest in financial topics. Specialising in secretarial service, assistance, office management and all manner of affairs of the heart. And, not least, in taking care of our guests, ꞌspoiling them rottenꞌ.

Portrait Kirsten Gnadl

Kirsten Gnadl

Focuses on what matters. Whether in strategic consulting for international companies and associations or on sustainability issues. With heart and mind, she has been bringing interesting stories to the media and important messages to the right target groups for 25 years. She is also a passionate advocate for environmental and climate protection in her home community on Lake Chiemsee. As a group fitness trainer, she enjoys encouraging others to voluntarily push their personal limits.

Portrait Rainer Frömmel

Rainer Frömmel

Freelance Creative Director for text and conceptual work, as well as a social media strategist, all in one. The result: (advertising) campaigns that really are worth seeing. His strengths include bringing authenticity to the handling of all manner of social topics. With digital as his focus and brand image as his passion, he has won many prizes for customers. Knows everything about good stories conveyed in words and pictures – a quality that consense clients value very highly.

Portrait Nina Blume

Nina Blume

Als erfahrene Crossmedia-Journalistin/Reporterin in den Bereichen News, Sport und Boulevard weiß die gebürtige Südhessin genau, worauf es in der Kommunikation ankommt. Zielgruppenrelevanten Content zu produzieren sowie Medienpartner und Managements zu beraten, liegt ihr im Blut - z.B. für das ZDF, ProSieben oder Sat.1. Die Leidenschaft für PR, Kampagnen und Corporate Comms entdeckte die studierte Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin während ihrer Tätigkeit in der Stabsstelle Communications eines führenden Schweizer Pharmakonzerns. Abseits der Branche ist Nina am Spielfeldrand zu finden. Logisch, denn auch im Fußball dreht sich für das Team alles um Kommunikation.

Portrait Marie Dammler

Marie Dammler

Marie schnuppert nach ihrem Studium der Kommunikationswissenschaft an der LMU München bei consense das erste mal Beratungsluft. Vorher lernte sie in einem Tech-Start Up im Marketing und Social Media-Bereich bereits die Unternehmensperspektive kennen. Sie ist psychologiebegeistert und hat Spaß daran, neue Konzepte zu entwickeln und an Formulierungen zu feilen.
Als Dorfkind durch und durch erfüllt sie gern das Klischee des Pferdemädchens und ist nach wie vor fasziniert davon, dass in der Stadt alle paar Minuten ein Bus fährt.

Portrait Annique Heisig

Annique Heisig

Mit einem dualen Studium in Kommunikation & PR startet Annique bei consense als Werkstudentin in ihre berufliche Laufbahn. Wenn es mal stressig wird, kommt ihr die langjährige Klettererfahrung zugute - ein Schritt nach dem anderen, und schon ist man an der Bergspitze!

Portrait Annika Munk

Annika Munk

Upper Franconia meets Upper Bavaria – this native of Bamberg studied communication science and acquired experience in radio, the local newspaper, and in marketing. After work experience in journalism and in marketing, she now deploys her knowledge in PR and social media. What she loves about Munich is its blend of big-city bustle and Bavarian cosiness. Yet she not only directs her gaze to the mountains in her free time; the skill needed to see what is far ahead also characterises her work.

Portrait Petra Weidmann

Petra Weidmann

A diploma engineer, she came to the agency via architecture. An all-rounder for PR and marketing, thanks to a whole lot of experience. Has a capacity to be enthusiastic about everyone and everything. Her professional hobby-horse is to take topics, understand them and then sell them. She is a systemic coach, a champion of structures and plans of all kinds, a project manager with a perennial soft spot – her fascination with the details, also in her photography, among other areas that interest her. Only likes to be drawn out of her naturally calm state by her children. A fan of the Baltic Sea and a voracious reader.

Portrait Wera Otterbach

Wera Otterbach

As a graduate in German and Romance languages, she has a finely-tuned command of language. Her striking features are curiosity, openness and proactivity. Relishes the challenge and loves to look at how things are done outside her own domain. She states her views convincingly, with unconventional answers. Has been travelling the world for as long as she can remember, drawing inspiration from encounters and discussions.

Portrait Laura Berner-Knoll

Laura Berner-Knoll

Using words to move people and make a positive difference: That's what Laura is passionate about. With her experience in journalism, PR and the day-to-day work of a law firm, Laura, who studied German and law, is a true expert in linguistic diplomacy. And with her fine sense for the right words, a large portion of creativity and the always necessary spark of humor, she is just right for consense.

Tina Glasl Kommunikation

Tina Glasl

Founder and head of Tina Glasl Kommunikation. Successful for many years as a consultant on crisis prevention and ad-hoc crisis communication. Author of specialist books on crisis communication, trainer and coach. Lecturer on PR and crisis communication at Germanys national institute for public relations, based in Hamburg. Formerly head of the Munich office of communications agency fischerappelt. A communication scientist and a passionate journalist.

Portrait Verena Neeser

Verena Neeser

Having trained as a producer of documentary films and as a television journalist, Verena has a discerning eye for detail. The moving image and audio-visual media are her home terrain, people are her passion. A fervent communicator with an eager thirst for knowledge. She loves to think a topic right through to the end. Open for new and creative ideas. Gutsy enough to get out there, striding out onto new paths. Lived in China for almost five years – without a culture shock but with diplomacy, empathy and a love of her host country. Now she cherishes Germany all the more fully.

Portrait Miri Köbner

Miri Köbner

A graduate in philosophy and the German language and literature, she is in love with language games and thought games. She enjoys viewing the world through a whole variety of pairs of glasses – and was like this long before the term ꞌtarget-group-appropriateꞌ became part of her world. Understands the most complex subject-matter but cannot understand indifference in the face of intolerance. An optimist, inexhaustibly curious about people, topics and discussions. Fastidious in her appreciation of all manner of fine things – yet totally uncomplicated in her day-to-day dealings with people.

Portrait Michaela Simon

Michaela Simon

Author, journalist and a graduate in philosophy. Since 2015, the developer of new series-formats and consenseꞌs key contact for Sony Pictures Television. An admirer of Marcel Proust, one who adores reading as a source of insight into why people are as they are – yet she also loves American thrillers and series such as "Transparent" or "The Honourable Woman". She is proud of the Golden Record award that she won as a lyricist and also proud of her two children.


Wir sind der Meinung: Jedes Team braucht einen Feel-Good-Manager. Unserer ist ganz flauschig!

Portrait Lara


Unserer Lara kann man nichts vormachen. Sie kommuniziert direkt und deutlich, ganz frei Schnauze eben. Zur Teamplayerin wird sie nur mit der nötigen Bestechung durch allergenfreundliche Leckerlis. So klappt es auch mit der Geduld von nine to five.


Our experience: small to medium-sized companies need communication consultancy that takes a holistic approach, an all-embracing approach. As a medium-sized agency we can give you holistic consultancy – and we also personally implement everything that we can do really well. Granted, there are a few things that others can do better. We work closely with those who can. That way, what you get is the optimum result for you.

Axel Braun Okapi GmbH

Axel Braun

Okapi GmbH

Digital designer (UX/UI design) from the very beginning. 18 years of experience with websites, apps and games for global brands from the entertainment, automobile, fashion and telecommunications business. Founder and manager at Okapi GmbH – a studio for UX/UI design and development in Munich.

Portrait Susanne Erasmi

Susanne Erasmi

Erasmi & Stein

Founded the ꞌErasmi + Steinꞌ graphic communication company 30 years ago, jointly with Bettina von Stein. She works with true passion, has a reduction-based style, and her approach is always rich in creativity. Her clients include UniCredit, the BMW Group and the Rowohlt Verlag (publishers). We particularly love her ability to give expression to a corporate culture in suitable media for internal communication – as well as the Christmas cards that she designs for us.

Portrait Alexander Holl

Alexander Holl

121 WATT

Founder and Chief Executive of 121WATT in Munich. A speaker on the topics of search-engine optimisation (SEO), Google Analytics and Online Marketing. Graduate in business administration, with 20 years of Internet experience, including 15 years of experience specifically on search-engine marketing and SEO. Was Chief Executive or Director respectively at Yahoo! Search Marketing, AltaVista and Cable & Wireless, among others. A member of the council of SEO experts at Germanys national trade association for the digital economy (Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft). Collaboration with consense since 2009

Portrait Stefan Kreutzer

Stefan Kreutzer

Journalist / Moderator

A journalist for 20 years, currently working as anchorman and editor at Bayern 2 and Bayern 3 radio channels. Well-versed in business topics, sport and intelligent entertainment – all this accounts for him inventing and hosting the satire show ꞌDie Stefansꞌ (The Stefans), winner of a German radio prize in 2015. Since 2002 he is also a media trainer, presentation coach and communication consultant. The company has had a collaboration with him – one that has been a delight for all involved – for about ten years.

Nikolas Kohlars SEO Spezialist

Nikolas Kohlars

SEO- und E-Commerce-Spezialist

Nikolas Kohlars – a lone-fighter and yet also a team player.  As a freelance specialist on SEO and e-commerce, he brings to the table more than 15 years of experience in online marketing. Enthusiastic optimiser of conversions and A/B tester. Provides support to small and mid-sized firms as they each implement their digital strategy. Having started as a placement student and then trainee, he is a consense bedrock. Alongside work commitments, he is eagerly forging plans for his donkey farm.

Portrait Stephanie Müller

Stephanie Müller

STEP Consulting & Business Academy

Managing Director of the consultancy for training, coaching and change consulting, she is also a management consultant, as well as a coach and trainer to individual managers. Provides support both to consense itself and to consense customers, in the context of change-processes and also team management and conflict management. Provides consultancy and coaching on questions of strategy, organisation and leadership. Very beneficial in this: her many years of top-level management experience in large companies. 

Geschäftsführer von VonVorteil

Jörg Schleburg


Founder and Chief Executive of the agency VonVorteil. Offers everything that a professional employer brand needs: from the development of the employer positioning, via the communication strategy and through to the campaign rollout, VonVorteil navigates clients through the whole employer-branding process. Provides support to customers in developing strategies, campaigns or designs. Clients for these services include Audi, Mercedes Benz, Tempo, Beck's, Saturn, and Bavariaꞌs Ministry of the Interior. 

Portrait Jens Telgenkämper

Jens Telgenkämper

Freier Creative Director

As a freelancer, he develops campaigns, content and strategies for BMW, MINI, EON, Shell, LINDE and consense clients. A true text artist and an inexhaustible source of good ideas. A man who has seen the desk from a lot of angles, e.g. as Head of Creation at BBDO Worldwide, Head of Campaigning at FischerAppelt, and also editor at BILD, Bild am Sonntag and Welt am Sonntag newspapers. A fellow resident of ours who prizes the atmosphere here at consense and cherishes the view as he looks out from the green salon.

Factor Product

Frank Thiele

Factor Product

Managing partner, designer + thinker. He helps small and large companies strengthen their innovative power, sharpen their brand profile and develop relevant offers for clients. These include Stabilo International, W. L. Gore & Associates, Fischer Sports, Siemens and BMW Group. Holds numerous international design prizes, for instance the Design award of the Federal Republic of Germany in gold.

We hold several certifications and awards:

  • kununu
  • FAIRcompany